Why Accountability for Writers?

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Do you have trouble finding time to write, because LIFE? 

I hear you, and I feel your frustration, for I’ve sung that song pretty much every single day of my life. It took me decades to learn –  the hard way, of course – that the only way I was going to write consistently would be through making it a top priority.  I would have to show up for my craft, day after day, after day. 

Even when it was hard to do so. Especially when it was hard to do. 

It meant becoming thoroughly accountable.

What do I mean by accountable? I mean that I’ve made a commitment to myself, and to my art. It means I’m going to show up regularly, like a partner or spouse would. It means writing isn’t something I squeeze in around the edges of my life, it’s front and center.

What does showing up look like? For me, it means planting my butt in the chair every single morning, spilling words to page as the first rays of light spill through my window. Even when it’s cold. Even when the blankets feel oh-so-good. Even when I’d rather hit snooze. Especially at those times.

It also means showing up for the business side of my work. Oh yes, I went there! Trust me, this has been a struggle – the bane of my creative life, if you will – because let me be honest here: I want to write. To edit. To perfect. To craft adventures. Business? Marketing? Thank you, no. Or, that used to be my tune.

However, having made the leap from traditional to indie publishing, I understood that were I to succeed as a writer I’d have to step up my game, and take on the business end.

Even when I didn’t want to. Especially when I didn’t want to. 

How did I do that?

You guessed it. By showing up, day after day, after day. It meant learning Scrivener (a daunting task, though I fell in love with it once I found my way through the scary, scary learning curve). It means figuring out how to upload my book to Amazon, and discerning which promotional paths were the best fit for my work.

It meant making time for these things, even when life competed for it; competed hard, at that.

It meant pushing through, even when I didn’t want to. Especially when I didn’t want to. 

Something interesting began to happen the more I showed up. In short order I found the Muse waiting for me. She’d learned I was reliable. Folks started asking me to submit articles for their consideration. I was nominated for a coveted editorship.

It was remarkable: When I began honestly showing up for my art, the world took note. Even the Muse.

It’s still a struggle at times. There are days where I want to smack that snooze button, to burrow deep down soft into the covers. There are days where the tech end is shredding my last nerve. On those days I’m especially focused on showing up, on meeting my art halfway. I’d finally understood that it’s the least I could do.

Why accountability? If I want my art to be reliable, then I guess it’s only fair that I’m reliable too; I need to let the Muse know she can recognize me as someone who will spin her ideas into reality, and properly introduce them to the world.

You want to see something happen with your work? Step up your game when it comes to accountability, from creation to publication to promotion.

For today: What can you do today, to begin showing up more fully for your art?

Thank you for this bit of your time and mindspace.

Create an amazing day for yourself!


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