Welcome to Accountability for Writers, a space for those seeking support and community as they develop a consistent, confident writing habit. Consider this the training ground for your inner writing super-hero. The hardest part is showing up, day after day. Together, we can do this. We can commit, grow, and take full ownership of our gifts.
The foundation of the approach here is butt-in-seat ownership of your success.
What is butt-in-seat, you ask? It’s the commitment to show up for your craft, whether you’re inspired or not. It’s planting your bottom in your chair at the set time, free of distraction. For realz-y. No internet. No cell phone. Just you and the page.
I promise you, keep showing up, and the Muse will begin popping up at that time too. At least once she knows she can trust you mean it.
I know your time is valuable, and your mind curious and quick – thus easily distractible by the delights and wonders of the world – you are a writer, after all. With this in mind, I commit to keep this site as bloat and distraction-free as possible. The majority of posts will be 500 words or less, carefully curated for their ability to serve you.
Topics of will include:
- The value of Accountability to yourself, and to the craft; tools and inspiration for boosting your accountability muscles.
- The value of developing a serious writing-habit; tools and inspiration to help you turn this habit into a full-fledged lifestyle.
- The value of becoming skilled at the business side of the craft; tools and inspiration for building strong business muscles that you don’t mind using.
This is it, your time to shine, your time to stop thinking of yourself as a some-day writer. It’s time you come out, my friend. Let the world know it: Claim your writer-ship, loud and proud. Don’t be a some-day Sam or Sally, live the reality, now. Until you claim it, you won’t genuinely live it.
You have the calling, you wouldn’t have found your way here. Are you ready to take full ownership of it, Writer? Or are you going to stay in that stuffy old closet, dreaming of one day joining the world?
If you’re ready, welcome! Together we can find the strength to move mountains, or at least to spill many, many words to page. Oceans of words.
Before you go, take a moment to subscribe to our blog, and to our newsletter too – let’s connect. If you haven’t done so already, drop me a line introducing yourself, and share your writing commitment. Consider taking your commitment to the next level, too: Join our semi-secret private writing group on facebook. It’s a very simple, clutter-free stream, just a daily goal check-in. . You can click here to submit a request to join.
So, let’s do this! Butts-in-seat. Word on page. You, me, all of us.
Let’s show the world what we’ve got; and let’s show the Muse we mean business.
Time to show up for our art. Every day.
Until next time, Wonderful You 🙂
Create an amazing day for yourself !
Laura Saba